[media-credit name=”© RDL Multimedia Ltd” width=2560 align=”none”][/media-credit] By Andy Jury, CEO of Mukuru There are varying degrees of denial about the truth that cash won’t be king forever. Of course, many regions...
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Conditions for Advertising, Sponsorship, and Subscriptions Submission of advertisement All advertisements are required to be submitted to the Publisher in a format that complies with the Advert Specifications. The advertisement and all artwork must be received by the Publisher no later than the Copy Deadline. Please submit all artworks to design@corporate-africa.com Space...
Corporate Africa offers its customers a “Specific Marketing and Promotion” plan. Specific Marketing and Promotion puts you at the centre of all your advertising plans. Our offerings are based on customer first, customer last, and customers receiving the goals that they set forth to acquire prior to participation. Corporate Africa will not engage...
Businesses led by women will be a key to boost Africa’s economic potential according to Alok Sharma, the UK’s International Development Secretary at the UK Africa Investment Summit. ____________ The continent is already home to the highest concentration of female entrepreneurs worldwide, with roughly a third of all businesses...
[media-credit id=1 align=”aligncenter” width=”600″][/media-credit] Africa will be severely tested by the coronavirus and the continent will need to make rapid changes to operate under the new business environment especially in the areas of technology and fiber broadband to enable workers to adapt to the new working mode....