Saturday 27 July, 2024
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Corporate Africa News
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Corporate Africa

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Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Africa Power Project Reports 2024. Integrating and connecting companies inside and across the African Continental Free Trade Area markets to create new opportunities, growth and prosperity. *Please put in your Title above then Click and complete form to receive more information about the...

POWER AND ENERGY AFRICA 2024 DRIVING AFRICAN ENERGY WITH INTELLIGENT PARTNERSHIPS & FINANCE Since 1994, Corporate Africa has partnered with African governments and businesses to connect them to foreign investors and international companies...

Cyril Okoroigwe CEO, RegTech, Africa The RegTech Africa & Agpaytech report covers the current state of digital innovations and regulatory activities during the first half of 2023. Nigeria’s Fintech sector is on course to rise 60 per...

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Louis-Strydom-Director-Projects-and-Market-Development-Wartsila-Energy-LR The global discourse’s broad-brush strokes must make room for the local reality’s fine detail according toĀ Louis Strydom, Director of Project and Market Development,...

BRICS Bank poised to increase trade in national currencies to develop members’ economies   According to Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, BRICS stands for solidarity and for progress. BRICS stands for inclusivity and a more...

Visitors at the third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo select products from Africa at the exhibition According to Liu Zhihua, China Daily Correspondent, burgeoning tradeĀ  between China and African nations which resulted in record imports...

In a game changing proposition for global investors, Bryan Turner, Partner at Spear Capital, argues that it is time for the sector to overcome critical challenges including vintage bias and the limited investment vehicles. Ā  In some...

Accelerating renewable energy development in Africa is crucial for several reasons, including improving energy access, reducing dependence on fossil fuels, mitigating climate change and promoting sustainable economic growth. Africa Energy Indaba...