Friday 14 March, 2025
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Corporate Africa News
Monthly Archives: May 2023

The timing is right for Africa to change its narrative from victimization to climate leadership and resilience according to Haley Zaremba, Environmental Journalist Africa has enormous renewable energy potential, but faces a challenge in meeting...

The United States Ambassador to South Africa Reuben Brigetey, an African-American, has accused South Africa of selling arms to Russia without consultation with the African Government harking back to the past Apartheid era when the entire western...

Africa’s Place in the New Cold War The United States Ambassador to South Africa Reuben Brigetey has accused South Africa of selling arms to Russia despite withoutconsultation...

Wale Yusuff, the Managing Director of Wärtsilä in Nigeria, explains how businesses operating in energy-intensive industries like cement or steel are investing in flexible engine technologies to secure reliable and efficient power Wale Yusuff,...