Promotion Specifics for Businesses
Corporate Africa Customer Specifics marketing and promotion plan puts the client at the centre of all its promotion plans. Corporate Africa puts customer first, customer last, and customers receiving the goals that they planned to achieve prior to participation. Corporate Africa will not engage your business services if it is unable to deliver the goals you desire. Please complete the business profile form attached. Once we receive your business profile and promotion needs we will send you several prescriptions that could deliver your needs. You can then decide the option best for you and let us know if you intend to proceed.
What Metrics does Corporate Africa use to guarantee to achieve your goals.
If the client’s goal was related to branding Corporate Africa will use the resources of Times Publications Group to carry out a survey – short term (within one year) to ascertain the impact of the message on target groups.
If the goal was to achieve tangible responses Corporate Africa will use the responses received to ascertain if the goals that were set prior to the campaign have been achieved. All the metrics that will be used to measure goal achievement will be agreed with the client prior to the start of the campaign.