According to Ericsson Mobility Report mobile data traffic in Sub-Saharan Africa is estimated to grow by almost 6.5 times the current figures, with total traffic increasing from 0.87EB per month in 2020 to 5.6EB by 2026. Meanwhile, the average traffic per smartphone is expected to reach 8.9GB over the forecast period.
As the demand for capacity and coverage of cellular networks continues to grow, service providers are expected to continue investing in their networks to cater for this uptake and meet evolving consumer requirements.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, mobile subscriptions will continue to grow over the forecast period as mobile penetration today, at 84 per cent, is less than the global average. LTE is estimated to account for around 15 per cent of subscriptions by the end of 2020.
“This latest edition of our Mobility Report highlights the fundamental need for good connectivity as a cornerstone to cater for this uptake as the demand for capacity and coverage of cellular networks continues to grow across Africa,” says Fadi Pharaon, President of Ericsson MEA.
“Investing in network infrastructure and optimizing spectrum assignments to deliver expansive 4G connectivity, paving the way for 5G, are critical requirements to consider in this journey and to accelerate digital transformation across the continent. We will continue to invest in our technology leadership and offer our state-of-the-art infrastructure solutions to help our customers seize the opportunities that connectivity will bring to Africa.”
Over the forecast period, mobile broadband subscriptions in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are predicted to increase, reaching 76 per cent of mobile subscriptions. Driving factors behind the growth of mobile broadband subscriptions include a young, growing population with increasing digital skills and more affordable smartphones. Over the forecast period, distinct volumes of 5G subscriptions are expected from 2022, reaching 5 per cent in 2026.
While 5G and LTE subscriptions will continue to grow over the next 6 years, High Speed Packet Access (HSPA) will remain the dominant technology in SSA with a share of over 40 per cent in 2026.
I hail from South Africa and I am an IT Professional whose IT career commenced in 1964 and from my CV you will notice that my level of experience that I have gained in the Information Technology industry over my lifetime is unmatched anywhere in the world and now more importantly, I am the sole founder of the revolutionary and disruptive ultimate solution to all of the current ailing Internet problems and shortcomings that will also be standards new in IT security and privacy of data, and will provide the best data for Artificial Intelligence and that will turn the Internet into a guaranteed secure and ultra-fast new Super Internet of the future.
It is with great pleasure that we present potential entrepreneurs or investors of the world, as well as the Telecommunications and Broadband as well as the Entertainment Industries of the world, with my secret additive to the Internet that will turn the Internet into the new Super Internet of the future and it will forever remains so – and we hereby invite such potential entrepreneurs to become my or our exclusive partner/s – to launch the world’s next biggest and richest industry in every country of the world. Together we can launch the new Super Internet for the Universe that will provide the ultimate in guaranteed secure Internet service, security and privacy of data, as well as eliminating fraud, illegal money laundering, crime and terrorism worldwide. Our Universal Super Internet, as well as my Artificial Intelligence will always have the only guaranteed 100% accurate, and at all times up-to-date data of everything and all in the Universe – all in one place.
From here onwards I merely abbreviate it as DBI World.
I plan to launch DBI World worldwide and the potential entrepreneur as our partner or any investor will enjoy the financial benefits that will be derived worldwide from our unique project that will soon be enjoyed by all in the Universe, as paying clients, within a very short period in time.
DBI World will be the one and only guaranteed solution to ALL of the issues of cyber security and privacy on the current ailing Internet as well as crime, fraud, corruption and terrorism worldwide – and we need to launch DBI World from a country still to be decided upon for such a project – a country that is capable of providing the necessary protection of the data of the world on our database server housed on the country’s soil – and will not take advantage of the data on their soil for any illicit purposes. Naturally in doing so the launch country and it’s people who implement the project will become the world leaders in providing a new Super Internet solution for the world’s crime, fraud, terrorism, illegal immigration problems, disaster recovery, conflicts, pandemics, warfare, security in addition to providing the best in worldwide communication, education, shopping, entertainment as well as guaranteed data security and privacy requirements – and thereby reap the benefits from the next biggest and richest industry in the history of mankind in the making to provide the best in communications, Internet and health care to the whole world on top of it all.
Your urgent response will be greatly appreciated as DBI World is destined to become the biggest and richest industry ever, will make the country of choice one of the richest countries on earth, if not the richest and could make that country a tax free country as well. As a natural spin-off will be creating millions of highly paid jobs for the citizens of the country from which DBI World is launched and elsewhere all over the world.
From our research, we have become aware that we must be very selective of the country from where to launch DBI World, as we are obliged to find a country that is politically stable and more importantly, free of corruption, a country that will not be influenced by any fanaticism or fraud in any way and a country that is acceptable to the rest of the world as our headquarters. We must also enter into agreements with the country of choice to protect and care for the data of the Universe. We must set up an infrastructure in that country that will prevent the data in the database from being destroyed by any means possible or from being used as ransom ware by anyone or any country against any other country or any other instance on earth. In doing so we will be setting new standards in IT to cater for mankind’s need to do exploration and to establish permanent existence on other planets. These extensions in IT standards will naturally lend themselves to become the standards of Internet excellence and guaranteed cyber security of every one’s data and privacy, and will naturally lead to establishing the security of every person in the world – and to the standardization of currencies and health care worldwide. The reader is kindly requested to read all of the attachments that have been sent or contact us for more information to get an idea of what we are planning to do. In particular in the line of data encryption and cyber security – and speed of data transmission to all in the Universe
The Solution to the Internet’s problems
We intend to launch DBI World as an additive to the Internet that will provide a guaranteed secure peer-to-peer connection between our DBI World client anywhere in the world ( or Universe) and the data he/she wishes to access and thus turn the current ailing Internet into a new guaranteed secure and extremely fast Super Internet with guaranteed security and privacy – all from a country of choice – containing the world’s most up-to-date and guaranteed secure information, including contactable information and instant medical information of all persons on earth – and everything else in the Universe.
This information will totally eliminate duplication of data all over the world and thereby save billions of hours of unnecessary data entry of information that is duplicated – and constantly keeping this duplicated information updated all over the world.
Our soon to be established DBI World database for the Universe will be the ultimate secure source of up to the second updated information about anything and everything in the Universe, which will be the ideal source of information for helping to develop the businesses of tomorrow.
Using the very latest in computer technologies.
With exclusive computer components containing my exclusive data encryption technologies built into the BIOS and using the latest graphene technology.
The radio frequency we will be using as an exclusive in the world is a radical new technology, that actually enables the computer to broadcast without wires or phone connections – signals which could be picked up at a remote site, say from a satellite or a radio mast. The software makes the computer produce non-sinusoidal waveforms called Walsh functions, waveforms different from radio waves or other kinds of transmission media and will allow wireless computer networking, with very small amounts of power, over very large distances. These wave forms are ideal for bit processing as well as for encryption of data sent along radio waves.