Thursday 02 May, 2024
Edition: English
Corporate Africa News
182 Barn Owl Street Pinehaven Country Estate, Gauteng Johannesburg South Africa
127 Barnowl Street Midrand Gauteng 1688 ZA

Najeh FuGen is a personalised craft alcoholic beaverage company. It’s offers bars, resturants, events and people the opportunity to have their beer customised.Najeh Fugen manufactures and supplies the beer. Branding and marketing can be designed by the customer. This gives Najeh flexibility to compete if the personalised space that most breweries find it difficult to achieve.

The brand would like to manufacture in rural South Africa, ensuring that talent is not excluded purely because of a financial situation. Rural area will also lower the rent and land cost, but will require more work around improving the water profile to ensure hi quality craft alcoholic beaverage.

South Africa
Thakadu Seima
South Africa
Thakadu Seima